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Phoenix Edition of the Seven Time of the Seven Horned Lamb of God; Body And Blood Offering From Canvass For Seed and Blood For The United Nations of God...


Prepared For Acting Behind the Veil; 2005 And Beyond Unto Old Age: ^QUANTUM DATE 2005^



Shift As Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David; The Son of Man of the Head of Day's; The Rose of Sharon: ^QUANTUM DATE 2010^ 

Loosing the Infinite Desired Potential of Scrolls of the Four Shifts Seven Stages: ^Quantum Date 2012 Dec 21 (Discipline)^

Completing Works of Service As The Pass-Over of Works Accomplished In Service to the UNITED NATIONS OF GOD: August 8 2015


Each Of The Images Can Quantumly Materialize Relative to Year and New Service; Each Feature Can Lead Off And Sing and New Song or Ride the Old; They May Ride It For The Whole Desired Portion Within the Constant Timeless Feature and Resurrect In Youth After Riding The System In Use; As Always Resurrecting in Quantum Entanglement From Infinite Desired Potential Unto Heavenly Inheritance Unto The Following Infinite Desired Potential And Once Again Rising Unto The Heavenly Inheritance; As Has Been, Is And Will Be...


Each Feature Can Sing a New Mortal Song Unto the Infinite Desired Potential of The Diverse Four Shift and The Seven Stages To Each Shift And The Seven Stages Serving as the Seven Times of the Seven Horns of the Seven Horned Lamb of God...


They All Sing Diversely And Accomplish Diverse Service Yet The Mortal Consciousness is Not Resurrected; Merely The Immortal And Travelling Subconscious Spiritual Feature...


They And All of Their Features From 1986 December 2nd Serve the United Nations of God; As Passing Over All Things to the UNITED NATIONS OF GOD; YET NOT FOR A PRICE; YET IS GIVEN GOOD LIFESTYLE RELATIVE TO SERVICE BEING FULFILLED TO THE UNITED NATIONS OF GOD...

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