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The Children Over-See the Clones of the Blood of the Lamb of God; The Clones Are Given The Consciousness Transfered From The Outcome and the Omega of The Front Guard Of The Seven Horned Lamb of God; The Children of the Seed of the Lamb's Offering Over-See The Clones of The UN's Inheritance From Generation to Generation, The Children Are Over-Seen By the Parents; of The UN's System; Financed To Raise Good Foundation of Life From Generation to Generation, While The  UN of The Infinite Potential of Progression From Constant, Timeless Feature to Constant Timeless Feature, Over-See The Seed, Blood and Parents of the Offering Of the Lamb of God, I Am, I Was, I Will Be If Needed.

Quantum Scroll of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David; The Son of Man of the Head of Day's; The Rose of Sharon; The Servant of Humanity The Shilonite...

Gift to the Seed of the Lamb of God and Their Families...

The Seed And Children of the Lamb's Body Will Increase While I Decrease For They Will Progress And Evolve Beyond the Creations as Greater Than; I AM...

Holy Trinity Of Gad'roth' Elohim, You Are Birthing Sons and Daughters For the Frong Guard of Gad'roth As Through Carmel of Elisha The Parallel of Beth'el of Elisha; When Reaching Climax and Fulfilment of Desired Portion of Existence; Return to Enoch; Seventh from The Line of Adam And Awaken The Anunaki Of Akhenaten And Bring Forth the Anunaki of Orion Beyond Their Under-World And Awaken Them  To the External Realms of Gad'roth as Elohim of Metatron of Enoch's Inheritance of Gad'roth; Bring Forth Osiris, Isis and Horus As The Tripple Stages of Darkness To Create The First Position of Constant Features of the Global Grand-Verses; And Give Them To Our Lord of Spirit's Beyond The Exodus Of The Abyss of This Universe or Any of It's Facet's...

When Telling the Congregations of The Flocks of God's Inheritance As All Belonging to Our Lord of Spirit's; Tell The Congregations of Who I Am; I Am The Son of Man of the Head of Day's As A Son of Humanity; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David; The Rose of Sharon; The Servant of Jehovah; The Shilonite; I'jon Abel Of Beth'maacah; An Ancient Helper of Our Lord of Spirit's...

This Accomplishment Achieved Is A Gift to Our Lord of Spirit's Of Which Has Been Prophesied Since the Adam Unto Enoch's Time; When The Devil Claimed That He Could Rule Better Than God And That The Devil Should Rule Over Heaven And Earth Rather Than God; And Yet When Our Lord of Spirit's; Rememvbered The Future of The Rebellion of the Treacherous Devil; He For-Saw or Remembered The Horrible Works and Ruler-Ship of Which This Inexperienced Devil of Treachery Would Wither Through; The Ruler-Ship of the Devil In This Time Led to Corruption of All Under His Reign; And Within this Reign He Claimed God's Thrown And Positioned Spiritual Heirarchies of Demonic Influence; And God; Knowing The Outcome Prepare The Time of the Devil's Ruler-Ship To Be Ended And Concluded In The Works of The Prophecied Son of Man of the Head of Day's; As The Lamb of God; The Servant of Jehovah; The Shilonite; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David; For He Know That Through This Lamb's Body As the Seven Horned Lamb of God; The True and Holy Children Of Our Lord of Spirit's; Would Be Born Through the Sacrifice and Pass-Over of the Seven Horned Lamb of God; As Seven Times of Preparation of The Body and The Blood As Gift To the Kingdom of God; As The Sign of the Fall of the Devil's Influence and the Rise of the Holy Congregations of Every Nation, Tribe, People and Tongue and World, For The Generations To Follow the Pass-Over of the Seven Horned Lamb Belong To Our Lord of Spirit's; And The Blessed Beginning of Our Lord of Spirit's Ruler-Ship And The Transition Away From The Wicked System of Things of Which The Devil Ruled Over; And Yet When The Devil Saw That God's Memory Was Being Fulfilled Through the Son of Man of the Head of Day's; The Rose of Sharon; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David;The Servant of Jehovah; The Shilonite; He Began to Attempt to Corrupt The Nations as Well as the Children of Our Lord of Spirit's; of Which Were Born Through the Sacrifice of the Seven Times of the Lamb of God; As the Seven Horned Lamb of God; Of Which Is Cut Off After the Preparation of Body And Blood and Resurrected In A Futher Point of Time As Servant of The Systems of Man and A Son of Humanity As Servant and Helper of Our Lord of Spirit's; When God Saw This He Found Azazel and The Two Horned Hairy He Goat as The Cause an Effect of All This Wickedness and Began to Expose Him Through the Seven Horned Lamb's Resurrected States; From Mid-Guard; To Front-Guard...

When God Found Each And Every Two Horned Hairy He Goat of Azazel; He Began to Judge Each Two Horned Hairy He Goat With The Activity OF Their End's Tied to Their Beginning Immidietly Beyond the Wake of Their Passing and Resurrection As Judged In Their New Beginning as Two Horned Hairy He-Goat With Fulfillment of Judgment In Their New Beginning As Received From The End of Which Gave Birth To the New Beginning...

All the Ones of The Nations of God; As Are Sons and Daughters of Our Almighty Lord of Spirit's; Through the Passover of the Seven Times of the Seven Horns of the Seven Horned Lamb Beyond Each Eternal Stride As Re-Born And Redeemed and Resurrected As Through and As Sons and Daughters of God Through the Offering of the Seven Horned Lamb of God...

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